
Check out some of our latest work

Wells gray community forest

The Wells Gray Community Forest is managed and owned on behalf of the citizens of Wells Gray Country. Extensive volunteer efforts have made the Wells Gray Community Forest a success to date. These volunteers reflect the values and ideas of the Citizens within Wells Gray Country. Public Involvement is essential to the long term viability of the Community Forest Operations.

K’tzim-a-deen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary

The Khutzeymateen Provincial Park [a.k.a. Khutzeymateen/K’tsim-a-deen Grizzly Sanctuary] was established as the first area in Canada to be protected specifically for grizzly bears and their habitat. It also represents the first undisturbed estuary of its size to be protected along the north coast of BC. The topography of this land and marine sanctuary is diverse, with rugged peaks towering to 2100 metres above a valley of wetlands, old growth temperate rainforests and a large estuary. An abundance of wildlife shares the area.

Little moccasins

In a windswept grasslands grave yard, elementary students of the Strathcona Tweedsmuir school gather to honor First Nations children that between 1885 and 1922 died while attending the Dunbow Indian Industrial School near Calgary. Subjected to neglect, malnutrition, disease and abuse, many were buried in unmarked graves on the school grounds and largely forgotten.Struggling to come to terms with the dark history of the residential schools in Canada, the students embark on an emotional journey to give voice and an identity to those First Nations children that were buried and forgotten there long ago.

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